Saturday, April 28, 2012

Access Bars - A Not-so-great Experience

Over this past year (2011), I've gotten tons out of listening to Access Consciousness speakers Rikka Zimmerman, Dain Heer & Gary Douglas on alternative talk radio. However, my first course, Access Bars, was awful and so opposite what I thought Access to be about - it was so bad it soured me on Access for weeks & weeks. Also since I got nothing out of it, the class was a complete waste of time & money.

I debated on whether or not to post this, but in the end I decided some good may come from sharing my experience.

What is Access Consciousness?

Access Consciousness, founded by Gary Douglas, is "a set of tools & processes to change anything in your life". It's (supposedly) about "empowering you to know what you know", celebrating your uniqueness, and empowering you to live from consciousness (which is aware of everything but judges nothing)

There are many aspects to Access, but 3 that are important to note are:

1) Asking questions
So much of Access is about asking questions -- empowering OPEN-ENDED questions such as "what's right about this I'm not getting?", "what's right about me I'm not getting?", "what else is possible?", "how does it get better than this?". You don't answer these questions with your logical mind; rather the question is the doorway to a new awareness.

2) Staying out of conclusion
Another important part is staying out of conclusion, because conclusions are limiting, so stick to asking questions.

3) Knowing that there is nothing wrong with you, and that your uniqueness is to be celebrated.

There are many, many more tools, but even those few I've picked up have opened so many doors for me, so I decided to jump in and take some courses.

The Bars Course

The prerequisite course is Access Bars. If you're not familiar, the Bars are 30-odd points on the head that when touched, supposedly release thousands of years of programming, causing perceptual shifts and giving you "a shiny new hard drive". It's marketed as "at worst you'll feel like you had the best massage of your life, and at best your whole life will change".

One Bars session lasts approximately 1 hour. In the Bars class, you give & receive Bars twice, so the class lasts about 5-hours (including introductions, q&a, breaks, etc).

Now perhaps it's been great for many, but honestly, I feel NOTHING with the Bars (and I'm not dense - I'm highly sensitive); so whether giving or receiving, it's one long, boring day of touching points on the head and watching the second hand slowly creep 'round the clockface.

But we're all different, so if this is my experience, so be it; it's boring, but I'll get through it. My facilitator, however, was definitely NOT ok with it.

A Grueling Day

When I admitted I felt nothing to my facilitator (who didn't seem to conceive how anyone couldn't LOVE the Bars), she jumped into problem-solving mode and proceeded to scour me for anything that needed fixing (maybe I was a perfectionist, cared too much about doing it right, was too uptight, believed it had to be difficult, had a problem with touching, had a problem being touched, etc, etc - none of which was true). I allowed her to do some clearings, but none of it felt right.

Not once did she ask questions like, "what's right about this that I'm not getting?" (which is a big part of Access); instead she seemed more to ask "what's wrong with Ellen that I'm not getting?"

Things got worse when she started comparing me to other people, saying she noticed (no questions asked) I was "hidden" and this must be the culprit. Raising her hand high, palm down, she said everyone else was "here", but - lowering her hand - that I was "here". At this point I'd had enough.

Fed up, I told her I didn't appreciate being treated like a problem to be solved, nor being compared to others to see where I was "less than". I then asked "what if there are thousands just like me who feel nothing in a Bars session....AND IT'S OK?" -- which, not surprisingly, left her dumbfounded.

Now there were many other things this woman did that I found manipulative (asking me questions that were not open-ended, running clearings without asking my permission, etc), or downright annoying (like repeatedly caressing my head as if I was a child), but let's just say I was less than impressed with this woman.

Anyway, the whole experience soured me on Access for weeks and weeks. My facilitator had no interest in empowering me, but more in treating me as defective for not reaching her  standard. So much for celebrating my uniqueness. My gut feeling is that she was insecure and had so much personally invested in people loving the Bars (and loving her since she's the facilitator), and when I didn't love the Bars she got defensive. The worst part was that she wasn't new -- she'd been facilitating for nearly 10 years!

In Summary

Besides the less-than-desirable treatment, not only did I feel nothing during the Bars class, but I experienced nothing afterwards: no perceptual shifts, no "shiny new hard drive"...nada. Therefore, I honestly believe that, for some of us, Access Bars is a complete waste of time and money.

However, if the Bars class calls to you, here is my message for newbies and facilitators:

1) If you're a newbie I highly recommend attending a Gifting and Receiving session first; they're low-cost and you can see what the Bars is all about.
If however you take the Bars class and, like me, you feel nothing, stand in the reality that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Don't let your facilitator treat you like a problem to be solved. If they do, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and ask "What's RIGHT about me you're not getting?" or "What if a lot of people feel nothing...they just don't admit it?" or "What if this is evidence of a great gift?". After all, you didn't pay $200 to be treated as defective!

2) If you're a Bars facilitator and a participant feels nothing, please do not conclude there is something "wrong" with them, and instead ask questions like "What's right about this I'm not getting?" Facilitators should practice what they preach. Please remember that the Bars is the first course we take, so if someone leaves feeling bad about themselves or Access, you may have lost them permanently.

Anyway, thanks for reading - I hope some good will come of this post

***UPDATE: In May 2013, I heard Dain Heer saying in an interview that the Bars class is no longer required (boy I wish that had been true back in 2011!) so don't let anyone talk you into taking it if it doesn't call to you

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How to Open Your Third Eye
In Celebration of Introverts
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Zen Entrepreneur: The Spiritual Side of Business
Ufology: Recommended Reading

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  1. So glad you shared this. I actually have all my requirements to be a BARS facilitator, and I AM one of those who is HIGHLY sensitive to the work. But the clearing statement? Does NOTHING for me. And same deal--I was treated as something was wrong with me...which perplexes me as the ONE MAIN THING they stress in Access is that nothing is wrong with you. I think the BARS were so effective on me because I've been practicing/facilitating EFT for several years, and the acupressure/EFT spots run right through many of the BARS...which my facilitators didn't want to hear. There is also NO accountability in Access. Everything's okay. Treat people like crap as long as the energy is 'right' for you. I am clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient (though not as strongly as the other two), and I can tell you that integrity is very important along our journey.

    1. Thank you, Trish for your comment -
      It's good to know I am not the only one to have this experience with Access (and I'm sure there must be many others). I totally agree it is outrageous & hypocritical to preach that there is "nothing wrong with you", then treat you as defective for not reaching their standard. Integrity is indeed very important and I hope others speak up.

      Best wishes,

    2. OMG - me too..... I was so looking forward to my 5 day course to change my life. I had my bars run several times leading up to starting, downloaded every free youtube, podcast etc I could find and read 3 of the AC books prior to starting.... and I was pumped and ready for great change in my life..... then I attended the class. I was horrified at what was presented. Not only the material but also the manner in which it was presented and we were encouraged to ask questions - only to be made VERY WRONG if we did not conform to the AC limited point of view. There was NO feeling of light or truth that I could feel. I felt heavy, trapped and wanted to escape from this and could barely drag myself back on day 2 - but I did.... Only to find it even worse than the 1st day - thinking of all the money I have wasted on this mind-controlling, money-making cult...... it was even worse that Landmark Education, and that is saying something.....So I chose not to do it to myself for a 3rd day & asked for a refund - only to be told that to get a refund, I had to leave on day 1 by lunchtime and I would NEVER be allowed to attend another AC class EVER....... now that sounds like it is coming from a light space of unlimited possibility and consciousness NOT!!!! Interestingly, I could not find ANY reference to a refund policy on the AC website

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. From what I read it sounds like judgement to them is a one way street and quite happy to judge if not conforming to their ideals. I haven't done access but have done deeksha which is a similar hands on head touch. One thing is for certain with these facilitators that by doing the course they think they have some innate gift and when confronted about their ability they get quite defensive. Some people will always be better than others no matter what it is we are doing and them thinking they are connecting the receiver to a divine source of energy is a joke. We are all connected to the energy of life and don't need these facilitators for anything. They just prey on the emotionally weak individuals, shame on you access, shame shame shame

  3. All of these posts are very interesting, thank you for standing up and speaking your inner truth. I just learned of Access Bars the other evening while surfing the web and wanted to learn more. I am an RN (of 33 years), practice yoga, believe in whole body healing, Eastern/Western medicine etc,, in other words open minded yet intelligent. There are no quick fixes in life, (like having a Bars Session) it is an every day walk; staying focused on "what's right about this that I'm not getting; not drawing conclusions and finding the uniqueness in every individual. Power, Money and Greed..need I say more.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you, Blossom, for your input and information --

      Also thanks for your offer of an online Bars session; my Bars experience was way back in 2011, and I have since moved on from Access - but I appreciate the offer anyway!

  5. I can only say...that I am so glad that I have left the clutches of Access. Blossom is a higher up that makes sh*t loads of money by having facilitators bring her in to teach classes that they cannot. Gary and Dain also can only teach specific classes and gets the minions to promote them

  6. Guys - have any of you experience with EFT is FREEEE ... like these things should be ... thats whats its about helping people, help them self, help their friends the planet.... not to make Gary rich..... ;-) ... BARS work on some because they believ in it the book Intelligent Cells by Bruce explains in details why we all can experience miracles ... :-)

    1. Thanks for this book suggestion. I was heavily involved with Access for 3.5 years and finally, reluctantly have to acknowledge that it is a dangerous cult, which was ultimately very damaging to me in many ways. You only find out the deeper you go into it. I am trying to come to terms with the many contradictions in it and which I experienced, a few of which were extraordinary and which keep you hooked.

  7. Can someone pls help... I attended this bars session a month ago as i was deeply disturbed , frustrated and wanted to get healed.... one of my friends suggested it n i wanted to give it a try.... It was just one session n i really couldn't see much difference, the lady who ran my bars suggested I learn it rather than gettin healed by her n ever since been buggin n calling me often.

    Its huge money for me n i m not sure if its wise to invest in it coz m not sure how effective it is ,.... pls advise.

    1. If you felt nothing at one Bars session, I highly doubt going through the time & expense of learning the Bars will help you — sounds to me like she’s trying to milk you for $$$. It also sounds like she's being pushy by calling you often, so don't be afraid to tell her to leave you alone and stop calling you.

      If you’re still hopeful on the Bars & want to try it again, I suggest a Gifting & Receiving session (but by a different facilitator). They’re only a few dollars - but if you don’t feel anything, forget the Bars altogether.

      Trust your gut feeling and know there are countless modalities out there - have faith you will find something that will heal you. Good luck to you :-)

      Of course others are welcome to reply as well

  8. I have a friend pushing to teach this modality to me so i can be a facilitator under him. I feel no particular interest in AC, though usually Im enthused to learn new things. After reading your blog, I am feeling a little suspicious of his motives. Your thoughts are appreciated!

    1. Thanks - I'm sure the Bars has been beneficial for some, but don't let anyone push you into it if you're not feeling a calling.

    2. Hi Ellen,
      I had my bar experience two days go from someone who has been doing it for years. As an energy-sensitive massage practitioner, I too felt absolutely nothing. Not only did her touch feel wrong, i was amazed that at time her hand s were hesitant. At first I thought this would be a perfect modality to add. Now I am having second thoughts. When I told herb I f felt nothing, she simply said she advises her client to get a. ;4 session class. Yeah, right. So they can make her richer. Your post is the only honest writing I can find. Thank you again.

  9. A dear friend of mine got into access a few years back, when she started running the bars on me I really liked it. However over time I have seen subtle changes in her that I didn't like. I also started experiencing extreme exhaustion that I still have not recovered from, she ran the bars on some of my family members and friends, they have been affected the same way. I have read that many other people are having a similar experience.

    Since we have stopped having the work done, she and her family have backed away from us. We can't figure out what happened, we all used to be so close. I have been investigating AC and the more I learn the more I fear for her. She is so different from the person I once knew. And now she has this self righteous superior quality about her. I feel so sad that I have lost my best friend. I have seen her spend exorbant amounts of money on these classes, and she's not rich! I don't know how to reason with her, she gets very defiant and defensive when I even try to tell her about what others are experiencing with this organization. It's almost like the Stepford Wives, but it's taken over her whole family and a few of our friends. Like a strange virus.
    All I can do is pray for them and hope they snap out of it!

  10. A dear friend of mine got into access a few years back, when she started running the bars on me I really liked it. However over time I have seen subtle changes in her that I didn't like. I also started experiencing extreme exhaustion that I still have not recovered from, she ran the bars on some of my family members and friends, they have been affected the same way. I have read that many other people are having a similar experience.

    Since we have stopped having the work done, she and her family have backed away from us. We can't figure out what happened, we all used to be so close. I have been investigating AC and the more I learn the more I fear for her. She is so different from the person I once knew. And now she has this self righteous superior quality about her. I feel so sad that I have lost my best friend. I have seen her spend exorbant amounts of money on these classes, and she's not rich! I don't know how to reason with her, she gets very defiant and defensive when I even try to tell her about what others are experiencing with this organization. It's almost like the Stepford Wives, but it's taken over her whole family and a few of our friends. Like a strange virus.
    All I can do is pray for them and hope they snap out of it!

  11. I read the above comments with interest as I did the Bars classes and the Foundation and Level 1. I am left with a few reservations:

    Firstly, it needs to be said that Gary Douglas was a Scientologist. I have dabbled in this area (the Freezone outside the church) with excellent personal results. You will find some very nice Scientologists but the org of itself is a dangerous cult (in the 1980s a few people died in custody while being falsely imprisoned a COS "churches"). They will try to get money out of you and blame sessions that don't work on the people close to you and they will try to separate you from them. There is no way they will have anything other than their own narrative with you. Access is a little bit like this in that the teachers have bought into the vision and are brittle if contradicted.

    There is a lot of emphasis on money, classes can be very expensive (up to $2500 for 4 days). I "get" that money flows where positive energy is found but many people will see money as a reason to get into Access not a result of following its path. They will part with their cash and be disappointed, I foresee a backlash as those who feel ripped off will start to voice their opinions online.

    I found the Bars helpful and use it occasionally. The first time I did the Bars I resolved a fairly long standing issue that hasn't returned. I have added it to the many things I have discovered on my journey of self help. However, 3 out of the 4 people I tried it with didn't find any benefit - altho only one session was carried out. I found the clearing statement to be more based on superstition than reality (careful how you used that word around Access people!) but cults need some kind of incantation to help gain traction and maybe it fulfils this role.

    I found the teacher I had to be "very on message" and plenty of times she tried to make me wrong and was full of evaluation and judgements about people in general. Access has a Scientological (and typical cult viewpoint) that people are basically flawed and that all other forms of therapy are a waste of time. They honour the body and being but not the mind, they think that heavy emotions are misplaced and indulgent and that its a waste of time listening to peoples stories. The stuff about not living in judgement is an excellent viewpoint to aspire to, but isn't it odd that the teachers will make you wrong by judging you if you don't agree?! Only discussion that agrees with the stated viewpoints is allowed, if you disagree, it won't be long before you are silenced. Having said that, outside of class I found the teacher to be genuine and she answered my many emails quickly and with sincerity.

    My other worry is that apart from the founders, I have not seen any male persons in any of the publications or videos. One female person I discussed it with found Dain's comments on one of the videos (directed to a woman lying on a massage table that he obviously felt attracted to) to be offensive and there seems to be an undercurrent that makes it seem unlikely that Access could ever be taken seriously by professionals. Maybe men can see through this approach, it also breaks the confidences that should exist between a practitioner and student/client and sets a judgements tone that facilitators may take as the way to be around clients.

    Lastly, I recently got an email wanting me to pay out money ($250 was recommended) so that Gary could buy a chunk of land in Costa Rica to set up a therapy centre. There was almost no information apart from gushing phrases, typical of the emails from Access which we have become used to. This weird request with the assumption that, of course you will contribute, was a further worrisome aspect of Access.

    Overall, I think there is something to be gained from it and I am not sure how much more I want to spend on it. I advise "proceed with caution". Maybe, like Scientology, Access will turn out to be "all about the money".1

  12. I am curious about this thread. I was a Bars practitioner for over 2 years before choosing more in Access, and eventually becoming a Certified Facilitator (after 3 years).

    I will be the first to admit that Access may not be everyone's flavor. I can also say, without a shred of doubt, that it gave me practical tools that have helped me grow personally, as well as in my work with others. The way I see it, like with anything in life, "Eat the fish, spit out the bones." With all the information and possibilities available to us today, I see myself as lucky to be able to take what works for me (and clients) and pass on what does not.

    For me, the tools of Access are about knowing what you know, and stepping into the energies that are available to each one of us. Much of what it proposes are things that I have always known myself, and was relieved to hear expressed by others. It is about expanding past the limited viewpoints, conclusions, and judgements that we have decided are real for us, so we can show up more fully in our lives.

    Like any organization, income is required to sustain it. This is done by charging tuition for various classes. Anyone who attends a class, does so by choosing it. Every class taken is a personal choice. There are no dues, memberships, or tithings required of any kind. As I see it, everything in Access is an invitation, and everyone is encouraged to make choices based on what is light for them, not what is light for Access.

    As a Bars practitioner, and now as a Facilitator, I have had some clients who have said they enjoyed their session, and then never returned. On the other hand, I have had other clients who have chosen to come regularly, noting marked differences in their life and living.

    In any profession, there will be practitioners that adhere to the principles of their modality, as well as those who do not (not to mention those that do their best, and are still learning). My desire with this post is to ask what it would take to not throw the baby out with the bath water? If I had a bad massage, I might choose a different practitioner, or spa, next time, instead of throwing out the whole modality.

    If you were my good friend, I would advise you to check out the practitioners in your area, find one that you resonate with, and try a session out for yourself. If it’s not for you, cool. If it is, then you know. Whatever you choose, thank you for seeking more, and showing up in life with an open mind :)

  13. I spent 7 years in and around Access. For me it is a cult to be avoided. I fell into it when I needed actual help but instead I spent a lot of money on time and am exactly where I started.....................needing assistance on how to be in the real world. Not in a cult!

  14. You are all on target -- Access is okay and BARS will (maybe) make you feel better but no one needs the whole deal. I went all the way to facilitators training and stopped -- I'm made more money since stopping giving it to Gary, ha! Some of the tools are great to get you going, but don't get tied up here. Listen to Mooji if you want pure consciousness now, and for free. Seriously, I've been just about everywhere with these modalities and the bottom line with Access is you'll spend a lot and work hard to make what you pay back to Gary. Why would you do that? Best to you!

  15. Hi!
    I'm from Austria, so please don't wonder about my english :)
    I think like Ginger about that. I am a bars practicioner but Inever will do more. First thing that made me something like angry, was when I finished the bars-day, I was asked to judge the FC who gave the class. That point is against all that AC is preaching. Then you would have to pay every year for being an facilitator and so on, if you want to teach "official" . Come on! What is it? These things I realised afterwords. But I have to say - giving the bars itself is a good thing, that could work really good, so I will still used it besides other "energy healing processes". I think these extremely bad experiences depends on where the person stands. Some people tend to glorify things and make others to their gurus.
